With the increasing number of students and fresh graduates looking for jobs, it is impossible to overlook the importance of an internship. That extra internship under your belt might be the deciding factor between you and the next candidate in the face of a dream job opportunity. Henceforth, an internship is a mighty important tool that gives you an edge over your competitors in a pool of talents. In today’s competitive economy, an internship is crucial for students and should be made a top priority.
Having an internship displayed on your resume will no doubt give you an advantage over your candidates without assessing the remaining requirements.
You may comfortably rely on the fact that an employer can skip their presumption that you lack practical experience because you are the fresh graduate. Still, once your co-competitor has an internship acquired, it might not be as easy to wave your employment over.

The truth is, they will believe that you may not excel on the first day of employment since you don’t have any relevant skills as to the profession.
Today, employers value skills and experience, at least enough for the candidates to show that they can handle work in a professional setting.
Some of the reasons why the importance of internships keep rising today are highlighted below.
Interns have more practical experience than regular graduates; some of that experience includes effective communication, discipline, and effective management of time. This will give them an assured edge in the labour market over others who have never been in a professional setting. Some intern companies may even decide to retain the candidates for themselves and employ permanently if they see that the person is good enough for the job.
Even if you are not employed permanently, your internship will still take you a long way by creating a network full of references from those who you have worked, perhaps even with a letter of recommendation or two. With the registration of new startups also on the rise, plenty of startups searching for interns are opening up the internship market for all different kinds of intern experiences.
A person who has done numerous internships will win the heart of the employers ahead of the graduates yet to experience an internship.
Having several internships shows just how committed you are and the devotion they can expect from you when they employ you. However, you are still safe if you have experienced it just once, it still shows zeal, but it is never bad to acquire more than one internship. It simply shows how deep your experience is, and you will have a clear cut journey of professional work experience to present to your potential employer.
Unfortunately, some students are lackadaisical when it comes to their education, and this includes neglecting the importance of an internship. Even if doing an internship is impossible, volunteering on the campus they attend and other numerous opportunities for acquiring learning skills are available that can make their resume colourful such as leadership and teamwork.
One of the biggest challenges employers face while trying to employ is that the majority of the candidates lack experience in that field. At least 7 out of 10 may not have enough experience or skill for the work because they did not complete an internship or try to acquire extra skills while at school.
Therefore, going for an internship will increase your skill and experience in the workplace. This is the clear difference between the two different candidates, one is preloaded with a wealth of experience equipped to deal with unfamiliar and professional etiquette, and the other is blank slate because everything seems new.
Students are generally trained to come out with good grades, but at times, there can be a clear distinction between theoretical brilliance and practical wisdom. A theoretical focus may thrive in the school setting, but practicality and pragmatism are more relevant when it comes to functioning in a real workplace.
Many employers have raised red flags that the drastic increase in GPA doesn’t surmount to their work efficiency at the workplace. This is why some employers question whether these students are grounded enough to produce such a GPA. Because of this, they favour those with internship experience and take them as their top candidate. So start your search now and get a graduate internship lined up to help propel you into a successful career.